22 definitions by Samuel Adams

someone who is so gorgeous u get a boner but their age or gender comprimises with ur sexuality or religious beliefs.
jackson: omg shes incredible i think i just got hard
amy: thanx for telling me, ur gf, about some chick u think is boneragable.
by Samuel Adams February 18, 2005
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someone who *after having lots of lubed sex* asks the femal counter-part to spread there legs so that the person can eat them while fisting them with only there nuckles in.
jason: ok now spread ur legs for the fuck nuckler..
steph: ok i love it rough...
by Samuel Adams February 12, 2005
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insult, to make offense; someone or something that dwells in a crotch inside a nest of pubic hair like a pheasant.
mike: u are a bitch!
julie: fuck u!!
mike: no thanx crotch pheasant!
peter: dam i cant get rid of this crotch pheasant!
by Samuel Adams February 4, 2005
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when you love someone so much that when u think of that person or of something about them ur scrotem starts to ache and want that person.
sam: man ur just so beautiful u... u are just sactascular.
brook: omg are u serious wow i love u...
by Samuel Adams February 13, 2005
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something so amazingly sexy that ur scrotem starts to burn and tingle and u need to put cold water or ice on it.
jason: wow what a cool... are u ok
devin: o dear jesus i need help!
by Samuel Adams January 27, 2005
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someone (tipically male) who masturbates perfusely on a regualr schedule.
bob: that guy is such a loser he cant get any pussy!
larry: i no he must be the biggest bishop beater that i no!!
by Samuel Adams February 4, 2005
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being involved with someone or liking someone supremely and then getting shut down bc the counter part wants to remain friends instead.
sam: i wish we could make this night more special...*wink wink*
brook: me too.....but i think that u should know...... i just like u as a friend....
sam: NO!! i was totally just love fucked!
by Samuel Adams March 16, 2005
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