5 definitions by SadCatIsSad

either you meant to type tiktok, tiptoe, or you’re bored out of your mind.

either way it’s the keyboards fault
“man i totally fucked up and typed tikto instead of tiktok i’m an idiot
by SadCatIsSad May 20, 2021
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when your so bored you look to see if there’s a definition for a 47-letter word.
dang i’m so bored...
time to look up weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
by SadCatIsSad May 20, 2021
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Being so hungry and your stomach is growling so loud, everyone in the classroom turns to look at you.
-stomach thungers-
"dear god man go eat a sandwich"
by SadCatIsSad July 21, 2022
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an aggressive pat to the body
person 1: i didn’t mean to slap you, i just tried to high five your face!
person 2: well are you gonna say sorry??
person 1: no. fuck you
by SadCatIsSad May 20, 2021
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