9 definitions by SHMOO_22

A Hashtag Addict, or a Hashaddict (Noun), is someone who can't #stop putting #hastags on a post on social sites such as, #Twitter or #Instagram. They do this either to gain fame and attention on a specific post, or they do it because someone they respect does it for fame and attention
" '#Swag, #Cool, #Pleaselike, #Hashtag ?' What a Hashtag addict."
by SHMOO_22 February 8, 2018
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Noun An object or thing that accommodates certain needs.
The kitchen was full of various accommidies for all my cooking needs
by SHMOO_22 September 5, 2022
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(Noun) What Obama lovers call Obama
He's my Obamama
by SHMOO_22 May 25, 2018
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The cheesy stuff that oozes out the side of grilled cheese.
Wow, this grilled cheese has some really good shmelt
by SHMOO_22 November 29, 2020
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An EPIC moment that you experienced with some bros. Short for Bro Moment, can also be said as Broment
DUDE! That was such an EPIC bro mo.
by SHMOO_22 January 12, 2019
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Comes after Exhibit A.
Exhibit A: yo
Exhibit B: yo
by SHMOO_22 April 17, 2019
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