6 definitions by SAN

Basicaly a glomp, while screaming about how much you adore the jomp-ee and how much you want to shag them. Used by many fangirl twards her lust object.
by SAN November 1, 2004
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A phrase describing something that happened or took place very quickly.
Preferably shouted when drunk with your closest group of friends.
The night went by at Ludacris speed!
Yo dog i'll bet u a twenty sac Ill get into dat shortys pants at ludicrous speed!
by SAN December 11, 2004
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A phrase used to describe something that happened very quickly.
The night went by at LUDACRIS SPEED! or, Yo dog, I told u i would get into dat honey's pants at ludacris speed.
by SAN December 11, 2004
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the amount of information that is stored in any given system
The urban dictionary.com's entrapy is the posts each individual adds to the coding in which those pages are built.
by SAN September 2, 2003
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