24 definitions by Ruhbee!

Little Sergy is wise beyond his 4 years of age and quite powerful too. Due to his leadership skills and his apparent omniscience at such a young age, and that he was born a bastard to a secretary in Mountainview California, it is rumored he is a demigoogle.
by Ruhbee! October 14, 2007
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The condition of a person or group of persons who exudes an air of omniscience or omnipotence. Similar to the idea behind "god complex", but contrasting in that Google actually exists, granting greater credibility to the younger term's user.
Judy acts like she knows everything; it's like she has a Google complex.

by Ruhbee! October 14, 2007
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One who believes in Google.
Steve is a Googlist, and claims to have had numerous personal experiences communicating with Google.
by Ruhbee! October 14, 2007
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