10 definitions by Roy Sanchez

1:A big thud to a man's pud
2:A legendary online player on Star Wars Battlefront II, known for his battle cry "YOU'VE BEEN PUNCHED.....IN THE COCK!"
Dude my manhood hurts after that dick nasty cock punch.
by Roy Sanchez July 27, 2006
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1: Medically, this is when someone recieves an enema and cannot contain the pressure long enough. Due to the pressure the patient continuously begins "blowing ass" all over the nurse or doctor. The result is little speckles, or lucky charms, all over their face and/or body.

2: The best fucking cereal. EVAR.
1: Honey, how'd your day at work go? Some guy blew ass all over my face during an enema and got lucky charms all over me.

2: I love Lucky Charms so much I shit my pants.
by Roy Sanchez August 8, 2006
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1: During intercourse, the male places a monkey mask over their face and jumps about wildy, while rubbing there penis so frantically the friction makes the penis feel red hot. The man then proceeds to stick his penis into a woman and screams like an orangutaun. The sensation is as intense as placing one's penis into a toaster. The woman is so confused by the screaming that she forces the penis out of her vagina/ass with her muscles. This is like bread popping out of a toaster.
Last night was so wild, I gave this chick an orangutaun toaster. She was so scared she ran outta the house ass naked.
by Roy Sanchez August 8, 2006
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