4 definitions by Rob, Dan and Chalky

Noun, A musical instrument comprising of a belt featuring an octave of dildos of varying sizes which when placed in the famales' vagina produces a different tonal queef note.
I had my queefatron out last night with the ladies rugby team, man we made some beautiful music!
by Rob, Dan and Chalky August 12, 2006
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I couldn't flush the bog as Chalky had left a huge bogwhoppit in there, dirty cunt!
by Rob, Dan and Chalky August 12, 2006
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A not so compact shit. In fact a rather loose stool! The word is a cross between Squelch and shit, to literally mean Squelchy shit.
Oh dear! I seem to have the Squits today!
by Rob, Dan and Chalky August 12, 2006
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