3 definitions by RipleyinCT

A tweeceipt is when twitter provides proof of a tweet you deleted because it was morally wrong, racist, a lie, or offensive in some other way. Even if you tweelete it, there is always a tweeceipt.
Some of the deleted tweets from the new HHS assistant secretary for public affairs @MichaelRCaputo are awful. Luckily, they've been saved by several people, so there are tweeceipts!
by RipleyinCT April 23, 2020
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Tweelete: To delete a tweet on Twitter after you've already sent it out to everyone, in an effort to hide what asinine thing you just tweeted.

Also: tweeleted, tweeleting, tweeletion, tweeleter, etc.
Oh, that Mrs. Private Citizen Half-term Governor Palin just tweeleted again! I guess she didn't have anyone do any fact checking for her before she sent out that tweet. Someone told her to tweelete it so nobody can find out how stupid she really is! palinized
by RipleyinCT June 5, 2010
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Talking out both sides of your mouth. Saying one thing to one person, but saying another to others. Flip-flopping.
Sarah Palin's schizolocution is so frustrating! Why can't she keep her stories straight? Is it a bus tour of America or is it a Campaign kick-off?
by RipleyinCT June 1, 2011
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