40 definitions by Rill GiktokExcelticus

A type of hornet who is on steroids and isn't shy to sting multiple times at once, or intentionally stings you for the fun of it
My frirnd got stung by a hornrt
by Rill GiktokExcelticus June 22, 2018
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A town right near Lizzytown, which has the tallest glass elevators in New Jersey besides the tropicana...
Me and my princess hornrt rode an elevator in Sakawkas!
by Rill GiktokExcelticus July 13, 2018
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Also known as the Executioner Wasp; an ultra-rare paper wasp found only in Costa Rica, only yellow & red, which is said to have a sting so bad the bullet ant sting for comparison, is like a bee sting. It would theretically rank at a 6.0 on the Schmidt Pain Index Scale.
The entomologist got stung by a Fire Hornrt on his trip to Costa Rica.
by Rill GiktokExcelticus July 7, 2018
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