3 definitions by Reymas

Combination of the word "beard" and "wannabe."

A person who wishes that they had a beard so they wear fake beards or mustaches in public or on their gamer avatar.

A person who can't grow a beard but tries to anyway and gets scraggly peach-fuzz instead.
"That guy put a full beard on his Minecraft character and he's clean shaven IRL, what a beardabe..."
by Reymas March 15, 2013
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adj. badass, amazing, best-of-the-best, the shit - from the term for a member of a spec ops team, spec ops being the cream of the military crop.
"I love marshmallows." "Marshmallows are fucking operator, bro." "Fo sho let's get some."
by Reymas October 6, 2015
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An adjective for a shitty situation or a sketchy place; something or somewhere that's gone downhill.
"Man, that bar down the street used to be a pretty chill spot but now that all the hipsters invaded it's gone totally cess."
by Reymas March 21, 2017
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