28 definitions by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin

A phrase invented by accident one day because my friends called me predictable, so I just uttered the first nonsense that came to mind. It is both a greeting, an expression of excitement and a phrase to shout in celebration.
(knock on door)

My friend "come in"
(door opens)
Me: p'skeezle skazzel
My friend: what?
Me: who's predictable now bitch?
by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin February 10, 2018
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The flakes of skin that line your underwear after a long day of scratching your sweaty ballbag.
I was loading the washing machine this morning and sneezed from all the swamp dust flying off my dirty boxers.
by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin August 30, 2019
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An insult for someone of lacking intelligence or who generally has simple concepts go over their head. The connection being that like a baby being delivered feet first, their brain isnt getting enough oxygen.
I told my neighbor that huffing spray paint is bad for his brain but he just replied "but it fucks me up so good...". That guy is such a breech baby.
by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin March 5, 2022
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The fluid that results from a pussy fart during a woman's period; it's like a bisque of menses and clots.
Queef Minestrone, it's a lot like Tomato Soup, but chunkier and is brewed inside a vagina.
by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin March 5, 2019
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An insult uttered by Sho'Nuff in the 1985 film "the Last Dragon". It means to bow down to ones enemy and pay respect by kissing their feet.
You think you're the shit, but you ain't, bow down and Kiss the Converse.
by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin January 2, 2019
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A member of the muslim terrorist group ISIS that rapes other men as a power move to exert dominance; he will claim it is not about being gay, but that he is raping an infidel in the name of Allah.
I've been reading the news reports about all the ways those ISIS guys are torturing their victims, like anal rape because they're a bunch of Caliphaggot's.
by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin March 9, 2019
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Fecal remnants. Either from pooping or a shart.
My mom busted me out for the buska streaks in my dirty underwear.
by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin February 13, 2019
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