15 definitions by Republican Nazi

go to sleep

It's what you do unless you are on drugs
I is on the drugs and I is keep caffinating myself!! No sleeeep!
by Republican Nazi September 7, 2003
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listen up

Something you say to a group of people you don't like.
Listen up, shit-heads! Republican Nazi will grill your asses five times over with a grill and a spatula.
by Republican Nazi September 7, 2003
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Something that men use to increase sexual pleasure and the ability to achieve an erection.
Viagra overdosing can cause a great pain in the penis for days before it starts to crack and fall off, like an old statue.
by Republican Nazi October 3, 2003
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You say all these names that X-Box should have been called... make up your mind, pindickhead.
Sony Roolz's mom's name is X-Crap.
by Republican Nazi September 29, 2003
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