15 definitions by Republican Nazi

I can run fast, why is their no praise towards me?
Because I'm an idiot, that's why.

Hm, this definition needs more insults.

Fuck Evil Tim, he grasps cock and inhales it.
by Republican Nazi October 4, 2003
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So, you have a fetish for cats, eh?
"Here comes Evil Tim! Get the anal-lube quickly so he can purchase it fast and get the hell outta here before he rapes my cat!" - Chemist
by Republican Nazi October 4, 2003
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You want us to stick your TONGUE in our PIPEs and smoke it?
*cough* Queer *cough*
by Republican Nazi October 4, 2003
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It's what you do unless you are on drugs
I is on the drugs and I is keep caffinating myself!! No sleeeep!
by Republican Nazi September 7, 2003
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