4 definitions by Regs

Romelu lukaku is a human tank who plays for Chelsea FC, he has to drink diesel to keep himself going and it's a know fact that the first giraffe came about when he uppercutted a horse. Lukaku is a man you don't want to mess with if your life is worth living!
by Regs November 4, 2013
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A tour that used to be punk rock. Now, the line up is awful and a disgrace to the punk scene.
Dude, what's with all these kids wearing tight jeans and faux hawks? What has happened to the Warped Tour?!?!?!?!?
by Regs June 11, 2005
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A prime example of the lack of musical taste by today's youth. A generic band with absolutely no originality that claim to be "punk rock." They are in fact a watered down pop act with guys who like to wear makeup.
Man, the All American Rejects are homosexual when they wear that makeup!
by Regs June 11, 2005
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