13 definitions by Rankojin

The act of working five days a week for a corporation that you hate because you need a job.

Made popular by the 1999 British film, Human Traffic.
After taking the corporate cockshaft for five days I had 48 hours, 48 hours of freedom.
by Rankojin July 15, 2004
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A type of most oftenly illegal sabotage for the means of slowing down, or making it counter effective to continue with a certain activity. Or simply to spread chaos.

Often used by activist for ecodefense against government sanctioned activity (clear cutting, polluting, etc.) by means of spiking trees, sugar in gas tanks of equipment, etc. Can also used against the statis quo and corporate america by wheat pasting bill boards, filling pay phones with vanille pudding, etc.

The best monkey wrenchers are never caught because they usally work alone and never tell anyone of their doings for that is how one is caught.
I often like to monkeywrench on the weekends since I'm forced to take the corporate cockshaft 5 days a week.
by Rankojin July 15, 2004
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Catholic girls who attend female Catholic schools, in turn being extremely aggressive toward males. Can be very skanked out. Waffer refers to communion. See Phil Hendries Show.
"So we have all these Poohbah skanked out waffer trash girls coming to our dances."
- RC Collinsworth, Phil Hendries Show
by Rankojin December 17, 2004
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A jail or prison on board a U.S. Navy or Coast Guard vessel.
Zapp: Failure to prevent a mutiny. Throw her in the brig.
Fry: We don't have a brig.
Zapp: Then throw her in the laundry room, which will hereafter be referred to as "the brig."
by Rankojin September 8, 2004
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The dance Batman performs in the orginal 1966 Batman movie.
"And how come Batman doesn't dance anymore? Remember the Batoosee?"
- Adam West, The Simpsons
by Rankojin February 13, 2005
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Often used in an insulting way when an unintelligible comment has been made.

Can however be used when you've missed some piece of information and need to be informed.
1) Guy 1: Even though my place was locked I suspect that someone broke it, clubbed me over the head, spread beer bottles around me, and then pissed on my playstation 2.
Guy 2: Hold the phone! There's a playstation 2?

2) Guy 1: So Cindy asked me what my job was after we did it, and I asked her why she was still here.
Guy 2: Whoa, whoa, hold the phone, how'd you hook up with her?
by Rankojin August 10, 2004
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