3 definitions by REAL MAN
An idea created by a couple of jackasses who like to pretend they are getting strangers to fuck them, when in fact they're staging the whole thing.
by REAL MAN September 17, 2003
by REAL MAN March 17, 2017
Proper definition translated from Spanish to English is 'small turd'. People from Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua) are known for using the word 'cerotito'. Often used to address little children or someone who is considered 'smaller' than average size. Cerotito can also be used as a way of communicating with other fellow Central Americans like the word 'Cerote'
Vas a ver cerotito. (You will see little shit)
Puta! Ese cerotito esta listo! (That little shit is always ready)
Puta! Ese cerotito esta listo! (That little shit is always ready)
by REAL MAN August 31, 2012