32 definitions by Pxprobotvidz

Actually the other definition was a mock of the one made by laygorian , i actually really like the singing fish and have 18 of the fish now!
by Pxprobotvidz January 1, 2021
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Some people that are obssesed with singing fish and play with them and waste $400 on a single fish . Also they are on youtube.
***e**44: I wasted $400 on a bony soul and now im poor! 💸💸💸💸

Someone: i want rocking fish
Ebay seller: ok want it for $1000000000000000

Just******s******f***c*******: OMG WHERE DID YOU GET THAT
Me: he got it from you 🙄🙄🙄

Someone: i dont have any fishes and im not a singing fish collector
Me: good for u!!
by Pxprobotvidz January 17, 2020
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A awesome company that made some really cool items back in the day, However they now make bullshit cashgrab items most of the time, The collecting community didn’t age well either, They used to be really chill but now someone will accuse you of murder and will say “uR mOm Is GaE!!!” once you outbid them in a animatronic, There is still some chill people on the community (Most of them are chill) though.
Gemmy community on a nutshell:

Guy 1: Look, I got this rare item!


Guy 3: I’m glad i left…

Guy 1: Yeah I’m definitely leaving too
by Pxprobotvidz June 22, 2021
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A company that some weridos in youtube have a obsession with
Theres a gemmy item here!
by Pxprobotvidz January 13, 2020
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Overpriced… You can just get the same things at the vending machine for a few cents less. The food is good though.
School Lunch
by Pxprobotvidz September 2, 2022
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Drama that starts for no fucking reason at all, Either online or IRL.
1. You are the fault of all of this.
2. Yeah i don’t give a shit man, It’s useless drama
by Pxprobotvidz August 31, 2022
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