5 definitions by Pookie McNoodles

When you're pretty sure you don't want to fuck your friend's boyfriend again but you also don't want to tell her about the first time so you just keep your mouth shut.
He's being a real dick but I'm in a nash equilibrium and if I say anything it will all kick off.
by Pookie McNoodles February 20, 2021
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Understanding things emotionally when given in summary. Typically used to quickly repeat back to someone all their woes, showing you listened and cared.
my reality has take a few odd turns recently. so I have a lot of sumpathy.
by Pookie McNoodles November 27, 2019
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The enforcement of rigid societal structure by judicious application of cake. The person with most cake (the pastryarch) tends to rule.
Why are there gingerbread men but not women? The pastryarchy.
by Pookie McNoodles March 14, 2021
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Ending a relationship by violently yanking a butt plug out without warning. Sometimes backfires.
Pixie had to pull the plug on her new guy. Turns out he's into that though.
by Pookie McNoodles November 27, 2019
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When the lack of something turns you stupid AF.
Get your ass over here. It's been so long since someone shat on my chest, I'm feeling derprived enough to fuck my wife.
by Pookie McNoodles December 5, 2020
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