19 definitions by Politic Ric

When your sleazy, white trash, welfare-dependant daughter comes back to roost at your home with her five illegitimate children – because she just can’t make ends meet on four handouts alone.

With the cost of everything rising, public assistance from Welfare, Social Security, Food Stamps and Child Support is no longer allowing her to live the way that she had been accustomed – and the single-wide trailer has just been repossessed!

It’s sad, but once the essentials such as cigarettes, beer, drugs, snacks, lottery tickets, magazines and pre-paid cell phone cards are purchased, there never seems to be enough money left over for the non-essentials such as rent, utilities, gas or car repairs.
Man1: I heard that C moved back in with you, with all the kids.

Man 2: Yep, The Spread Eagle Has Landed!
by Politic Ric October 31, 2010
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A dozen-word compilation describing a person who exhibits only positive traits. He or she is sincere, intelligent, competent, respectful, tolerant, unbiased, empathetic, genuine, delightful, loving, sophisticated and trustworthy.

When the letters that spell Nilap Haras are reversed, it reveals a person exhibiting the exact opposite characteristics, and is sarcastic, ignorant, incompetent, disrespectful, narrow-minded, bigoted, unfeeling, deceptive, obnoxious, hateful, backwoods and corrupt.
Man 1: I wish I could find a woman who is Nilap Haras!
Man 2: Doesn’t everyone?
by Politic Ric November 2, 2010
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A severe allergic reaction, usually found on the upper thighs or ass cheeks, brought about by any amount of money ‘burning a hole in your pocket.’ The only known cure is to spend every cent of your Welfare check, Social Security check or Paycheck before midnight on payday – no matter what your financial obligations might be. Purchases generally include such low-rent essentials as cigarettes, lottery tickets, liquor, drugs, new release DVDs or CDs. Expenses such as rent, car payments, insurance, clothing or food are not considered to be essentials and therefore are not factored into the equation.
“Ouch! I gotta buy some cigarettes, DVDs and lottery tickets, quick - before I get a cash rash! I had a lot of overtime this week!”
by Politic Ric May 27, 2010
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The combination of the words crazy, cunt and bitch. This word is used to describe a girl or woman who has a paranoid, psycho, schizo or bipolar personality (or personalities) combined with vicious, vulgar or abusive tendencies. Most of us know a friend or family member who is dating or living with one.
R: “She gives me the creeps. I never know if she’s going to be nasty or nice.”
J: “Most of the time, she’s a real cruntch!”
by Politic Ric May 27, 2010
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A Michael Steele Minute is destined to replace the New York Minute as the smallest measurable amount of time in the universe.

A New York Minute is defined as the time between a traffic light turning green in New York City and the cab driver behind you honking his horn.

A Michael Steele Minute is defined as the time between President Obama leaving the Executive Office of the President of the United States and the firing of Michael Steele as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Man 1: If I were offered that job, I’d have said yes in a Michael Steele Minute!

Man 2: You and me both!
by Politic Ric November 9, 2010
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