3 definitions by Pointlesslywordyredditmoron

Akin to a phantom limb but goofier this is the sensation that you are wearing underwear when in fact your skin is bare. Heightened by lack of sleep or laziness in self-care, your skin begins to feel like a barrier of cloth. As tactile hallucinations it is equally harmless and lacking in value.
Undy-thesia sets in a few days after you stop adhering to certain standards of dress. I surprised myself and a homeless man while riding my bike in a skirt into the wind. He gasped, "Oh, thats beautiful!" Like brushing your teeth and not farting in public, put in the effort to maintain certain standards. Treat yo' self.
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Person who has meditated excessively to the point of breaking with reality. Mystic yoga and chanting that results in loss of grounding or Psychosis. Coined by Michael Mirdad?
Come to Sedona AZ you will meet many a kundalini casualty. its not uplifting its tragic.
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Career employee at non governmental charitable organizations. Started out in the Peace Corp or Teach for America. Intelligent yet devoid of humor, warmth or taste. Often a white person who wears glasses and shops for brewers yeast and other sustenance at a coop. Frequently resides in a major Mid-Atlantic city.
D.C. has female nonprofiteers and male maga lobbyists on tinder. Very little sex is happening.
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