12 definitions by Pocono Joe

The early stages of twat rot, that occurs while away from modern bathing or showering facilities. Usually afflicts women that are camping, hiking, etc. for more than forty-eight hours. Not considered a problem amongst lesbians.
nigga 1: Daaaamn dawg! You smell her stank hole when she jogged past our tent?

nigga 2: Fucking A right I did. Dat's cabin cunt for ya!
by Pocono Joe December 13, 2010
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The sport of urinating on a derelicts. Considered a charitable deed in cold regions.
I am going bum washing, as soon as I get done with this definition.
by Pocono Joe December 13, 2010
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Tokyo drifting influenced racing, in which highly intoxicated drivers race cars on icy and snowy roads and force the cars into a oversteer. The driver's must consume a cup of hot brandy, one joint of marjuana and 50 mg of Seroquel, thirty minutes prior to racing. All cars must be rear wheel drive only.
winner: I won the Monroe County Pocono Drift-A-Thon.

reporter: What did you win?

winner: Pocono drifting! Yeeeeaaaaaah!

reporter: No. What prize did you win?

winner: That's a good fucking question.
by Pocono Joe May 31, 2011
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Any composite of cum and any other material.

Derived from cum and composite.
detective: Wow this kid's bed sheets stopped a full mag from an assault rifle.

csi guy: Those cumposites are incredible. The tails of the sperm help dissipate the kinetic energy...

detective: Alright, I get it. I once found a burglar, with his head caved in from a kid's cum rag. I got the pix on my phone.
by Pocono Joe December 13, 2010
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