20 definitions by Philip George

A French Slang word for money
Pronounced Ee-fee-ia-r-em
"I need my efierm man."
by Philip George May 15, 2006
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the button shortcut to copy something on a webpage. Also used the bug the hell out of people in chatrooms.
Ctrl+c that pic man, she's got one fine 244!
by Philip George September 21, 2005
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1. That guy who took all of our base
2. The funniest animal on earth. Next to the platypus.
1. Take off every zig.
2. The cats all jumped when the flashlight moved.
by Philip George October 27, 2005
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Something so odd and out of place that, instead of being queer or wierd alone, it them put together, making a state of supreme confusion
Guy "You like spoons?"
Girl "Gosh, your a quierd one."
by Philip George March 30, 2006
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A form of flirting that desperate shy faggots use because they can't handle talking to a girl in person
Hey Javon, stop e-macking on AIM and get off my computer.
by Philip George September 9, 2005
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short for friday The greatest day known to man.
I can't wait till fri! ^-^
by Philip George October 1, 2005
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