5 definitions by Peetsa

The symbols used in replacement for letters of a cuss word
The book had to be appropriate for children, so I put grawlixes on the word fuck. F*#k
by Peetsa February 23, 2015
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Lines drawn, usually on comics, to express something being shiny and/or new
The car had neoflections that made it look new and shiny
by Peetsa February 23, 2015
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When you're typing really fast on a keyboard and you want to type !!!!! But you don't hold the shift key down long enough and type !!!!1
by Peetsa March 22, 2015
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The Europian version of while, commonly used when sarcastically talking formal to a teacher.
by Peetsa February 22, 2015
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What you say when you want to say seriously, but you want to sound smart
by Peetsa February 22, 2015
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