6 definitions by Patteroast

Mars rover sent by NASA to Mars in 2003, which landed at Meridiani Planum. Designed to search for signs of liquid water, especially minerals formed in the presense of water (eg. Hematite).
"Opportunity has landed on Mars."
by Patteroast January 27, 2004
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Spacecraft sent to Mars that land and have the ability to move from their original site. Currently referring to Spirit and Opportunity, which were launched in 2003. Part of an ongoing program began in the mid 1990's that is currently planned out to around 2009.

May also refer to Pathfinder or Beagle 2.
"The Mars rovers are completely friggin justified, cost less than a few bombs, could possibly give hints to whether or not there is life elsewhere in the universe, and Bush didn't send them, idiots."
by Patteroast January 27, 2004
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A Mars rover sent by NASA to Mars in 2003, landing in Gusev Crater. Designed to search for evidence of water.
"Spirit is just fine, it's not dead."
by Patteroast January 27, 2004
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1) A chat room on AOL frequented by a contant group of people since ~1998-9
2) (Anirpgers): Group of people who frequent chat room in definition 1
3) Animorphs RPG: original title of chat room in definition 1
"Are you going to anirpg, tonight?"
"I don't really think they're an anirpger."
by Patteroast December 15, 2003
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British-built Mars lander, launched by the European Space Agency in 2003 on the Mars Express spacecraft. Designed to investigate the possibilities of water and life at the landing site of Isidis Planita.
"Beagle 2 is not a rover, it stays in one spot."
by Patteroast January 27, 2004
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