2 definitions by Panzerbane

A sudden, overwhelmingly brilliant or insightful thought while under the influence of Marijuana. Notorious for seeming like a good idea at the time, but easily forgotten or disregarded due to the nature of it's conception.
Dude, Last night I smoked so much weed that I understood the secrets of the universe. It was a total Epotphany.
by Panzerbane April 22, 2009
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A term coined to explain commonly regarded feminine or metrosexual tendencies, activities and behavior in a completely straight male.

Synonyms include: Eurosexual, and Macho Metrosexual
1.)A man watching a football game while eating a steak and drinking a beer in a room full of car magazines and girly mags is considered "Macho".

A man doing the same thing, with the exception of considering repainting the living room with warmer earth tones to compliment the new drapes he got on sale at Target...That's "Macho Metro".
by Panzerbane June 29, 2010
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