6 definitions by Pancake Knight

The word is derived from the words "man" and "boobs". It occurs when a male is overweight causing the extra fat in the chest to look like a woman's breasts. It can also be caused by a man being extremely muscular causing his chest to enlarge to a point where the area looks like breasts.
Linda: "Do you see that mans moobs?"
Jessica: "Yes I do, they're quite sizable aren't they".
by Pancake Knight July 26, 2017
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When a person thinks that they are "thicc" when in reality their curves are formed by being overweight.
She was not thicc, but thoocc.
by Pancake Knight December 9, 2018
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A place where people do a number of the following:
1. Post name definitions with the hopes of boosting their self-esteem or shitting on someone.
2. Turn anything into a lengthy and/or confusing sex act.
3. Prove to humanity that they should be in school learning vocabulary, grammar, and spelling.
4. Attempt to make up new words that don't often become popular and sit there sadly and meaningless, not catching on at all.
5. Actually attempt to create a formal and dictionary-esque definition of a word, pleasing both the intellectuals and the masses alike. (Thank you to those people who do).
Human 1: I searched up pirate on urban dictionary.
Human 2: What was the result?
Human 1: Apparently it means to stomp on a girl's leg then cum in her eye, my faith in humanity is at an all-time low.
by Pancake Knight December 9, 2018
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A mother in Asian culture. She often will have a timetable made for her children for when they can study which is often most of their time. They're ruthless and want their children to be the smartest as the high population in China and other Asian countries cause a very large amount of competition for university entry and other such things alike. They may be ruthless but they're mostly doing it for your own sake.
Tiger mom:"What are you doing?"
Child:"I'm reading Shakespeare"
Tiger mom:"You need to be studying, not reading"
by Pancake Knight April 24, 2018
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To perform a "Thanos snap" or to have a "Thanos snap" performed is to reduce something by half.
Human1: Hey, did you know that over the next century global warming is going to give a Thanos snap to all life on earth?
Human2: No I didn't, well that sucks.
by Pancake Knight December 9, 2018
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A bagel that has been turned into a donut by adding icing and toppings.
Joe:Damn! There are no donuts left.
Peter:Dude, there are bagels, just make a donagel.
by Pancake Knight August 20, 2017
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