5 definitions by Ockerjj

The concept of placing racism, typically that of white men, at the forefront of the discussion of (usually American) history and law. It labels race as a predominantly social construct and is often used to call people to fight institutionalized racism and privilege.
This theory is often criticized for labelling white people as incorrigible oppressors and bearing a strong resemblance to Marxism.
A: Critical Race Theory says the U.S. government was largely founded on bias towards white straight men.
B: Hey, I'm white and I'm not a racist
A: The fact you felt the need to speak up at all says otherwise
by Ockerjj March 20, 2022
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Typically refers to someone who rejects the words or actions of President Donald Trump in a way that makes the person look foolish. TDS can afflict a person regardless of if his or her complaints are legitimate. TDS victims can often be found on social media sites, particularly Twitter and Facebook.
Contrast with Trump Enslavement Syndrome, which involves supporting Trump.
A: The President really messed up his response to the outbreak.
B: I know! He's killed thousands of people! I hope he dies!
A: Whoa, cool it with the Trump Derangement Syndrome.
by Ockerjj November 4, 2020
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The process of adding more seats to the Supreme Court.
Recently, this is a plan pushed by the left to regain control of the Court, after President Trump shoved three conservative justices in, by adding four of their own. Since the sitting justices have life-long terms, this strategy is their next best shot.
As one might expect, the possibility of replacing one bias with another has made this a bit of a hard sell.
A: We need to expand the Supreme Court, or else they'll demolish LGBT rights, overturn Roe V. Wade, and pare down minority voting rights!
B: Is this really the best way to do that?
A: It is if you aren't willing to get locked up for gunning down Kavanaugh and ACB.
by Ockerjj April 29, 2022
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To listen to the global scientific authorities who tell us how fucked we are regarding Covid and the environment.
A: How do you know these vaccines work?
B: Follow the science, bro.
by Ockerjj April 29, 2022
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A web comic creator who mainly gets his jollies off by trolling liberals. This includes making often derogatory comics about ANTIFA, the LGBT community, and Democrat candidates and their supporters. His most infamous strip would probably be "On Second Thought". Others have interpreted it as anti-Holocaust sentiment, while he's argued it's meant to call out hypocritical free thinkers.
It may be worth noting that Stone sometimes ridicules his alleged side as well. He's taken multiple shots at President Trump for his inaction regarding social media censorship, for example.
Despite his infamy, Stone has managed to keep basically all personal information about himself off the Internet. It isn't even certain if he's a guy or not. He continues to be popular while pissing off Twitter users and 4Chan mods.
Compare to RedPanels, a similar artist who retired in 2017.
"Daily reminder that the correct response to people accusing someone of being a racist or a nazi isn't:
'But is he really?'
it's actually:
'So what?'"
-Tweet from Stonetoss, March 25, 2019
by Ockerjj November 4, 2020
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