14 definitions by Numerical Wizard

When a man has a moist queef out of his dick.
“She was giving me brain and i had a penal queef in her mouth. She said it tasted like Feta Cheese
by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020
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Instead of WAP (wet as pussy) WAB is a wet ass butthole.
Oh my god, he fucked me in my WAB”
by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020
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The homie who is always there for u and is cool asf.
My homie Kalima is the best
by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020
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Someone who is your homie and is one of the boys.
Fwank is my Bubbay”
by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020
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When the homie gives you a FRESH Fade on your balls.
Yoo i just got a Ball Fade and its Fresh ASF”
by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020
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When a woman bites through a mans dick in a dark alleyway and pierces it so they don't have to pay for a dick piercing.
“My dick is in pieces after i got a Ghetto Dick Piercing
by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020
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Big black testicles that are huge and round. They are moist and Meaty.
Jamal has big round nigga nuts.”
by Numerical Wizard December 7, 2020
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