11 definitions by Notdevinnunes

America's actual president since he won the 2016 presidential election. Can be found inserting his penis into Trump's mouth from time to time.
Joe: I thought Trump was president?
Jim: No, you moron, Trump's just pretending because he's President Putin's bitch.
by Notdevinnunes November 25, 2019
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Classic scam mastered by Frank Gallagher from Shameless. Involves jumping out in front of a moving car as your partner distracts them, then shaking them down for cash. Also the slang term for the surprise Trump got when several respected diplomats jumped out and testified against him regarding his extortion campaign in Ukraine.
Definition 1:

Frank: Bro, I'm short on cash. Let's do a Ukrainian peek-a-boo!
Frank's creepy friend: Nah, man, people don't carry cash anymore; it's not worth it.

Definition 2:

Rob: Dude, did you see what happened with Trump!?
Tom: Yeah man, he got a serious Ukrainian peek-a-boo!
by Notdevinnunes November 25, 2019
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A pseudo-patriot on Faux News. The one thing smarmier than Sean Hannity and nastier than Truffle Butter.
Steve: I bet you don't own 51 American flags! You must hate this country!
Sarah: You're being a Pete Hegseth. Go suck off Putin!
Steve: I already have!
by Notdevinnunes November 24, 2019
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An ill-defined group in American politics who are the constant target of Republicans and Democrats, though their definitions differ. In reality, "The elite" is just a group that's smarter than you and better fit to govern.
John: I voted for Trump because I'm sick of The Establishment bro! Down with The elite!
Jake: Better "The elite" than you, you fuck face.
by Notdevinnunes November 25, 2019
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