69 definitions by Not Zane

To serve God with the best of your ability,to be virtuous.
Atheists are going to cuss me out because they are insecure.
by Not Zane July 23, 2004
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Some kid tried to make me eat a crayon when I was in like 3rd grade. I knew better than that, so I went and drank some gasoline! :)
by Not Zane September 21, 2004
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An actual town about 20 miles away from where I live, the town is small and should be considered a village. The town is in Kentucky, and the town is aptly named because I only seen about 2 black people there each time I visited (About 10 times)
I still cant actually believe Whitesville is an actual town.
by Not Zane July 23, 2004
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Man its so rough in my hood, that one time a group of white kids drove down to my house to ask directions to somewhere.
by Not Zane July 23, 2004
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An absolutely hilarious action movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a ramboesque hero.
In this movie, Arnie is quite proficient in handling firearms, as indicated by his ability to fire an m60 in one arm, and his ability to fire two assault rifles in both arms with seemingly perfect accuracy. Its should be noted that Arnold also has the infinate ammo as well. Take consideration that grenades are especially noteworthy, as they seem to explode on impact, and take about 3-6 guys out with them each time.

Another noteworthy task is that Arnold takes out the entire Cuban army, without even so much as a scratch, well you know the kind of scratch that doesnt need a bandaid. At the end of this movie, he breaks a 6 foot pole off of a wall that just happend to be there, and he launched the aforementioned pole across 200 feet and nailed a guy in the chest with it, killing him instantly.

This is a movie for nights when you need a good action movie, accept no substitutes. Except rambo
by Not Zane September 10, 2004
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Doe is jive for "door."
I am about to kick in the front doe.

Who dat is? go to the side doe.

What the problem is? Go to the front doe.
by Not Zane September 14, 2004
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Something that I personally hate, lots of lies are caused from politics. Cause for a lot of strife among people, especially on the internet.

There are good moral politicians out there who are upstanding, but are rare.
Republicans say that their side is the best.

Democrats say that their side is the best.

Et cetera et cetera.
by Not Zane July 25, 2004
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