3 definitions by Not John Cornyn Obviously

A 21st century take on the infamous Hooverville shanties of the Great Depression era. These aren’t as extravagant as their predecessors because of the Trump Flu and mandatory minimums for being homeless. Also used to refer to private prisons at the adoption of inmates lucky enough to receive government sponsored food and shelter.
Billy: LOL Todd, can’t believe they sent your dad to Trump Tower for 25 to life!
Todd: Fuck you Billy, Biden stole the election and you care more about black people than you do about America.
Billy: Can’t believe he set fire to that OTHER Trump Tower in D.C. to distract from the real insurrection LOL.
by Not John Cornyn Obviously January 18, 2021
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This wonderful piece of Soviet pornographic production is what’s driven every political decision made by the GOP over the last 4 years. The film documents a romantic evening in Moscow between GOP Senator Lindsey Graham and GOP former President Donald Trump before they un-leash some downright doggedness between the sheets.
Joe: What’d you think of the film, the Lady & the Trump, Barack?
Barack: The part where Lindsey marks his territory was pretty great.
Joe: Better than the part where Trump takes Lindsey on a walk?
by Not John Cornyn Obviously January 18, 2021
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To fuck up so badly due to sheer incompetence and a 1937 elementary school education (and thinking that anything that comes out of that jiggolo-gloving mouth other than Wall Street donor shmegma) that your wife cuckolds you with Ted Cruz on the Senate floor while raising money for Beto O’Rourke’s next campaign while you have to do the tax returns for your party’s pedophile ring.
1: Wow, I feel so John Cornyn today
2: Bro, that doesn’t make sense
1: Maybe I just John Cornyned the example
by Not John Cornyn Obviously December 1, 2020
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