9 definitions by New Borne

1. A truly one of a kind type of person. 2. Someone who is so different from everyone else that their differences stand out openly. 3. A rare breed of being.
I consider myself to be a "wild turkey feather". Diverse and different
by New Borne February 25, 2018
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1. Somebody who always finds a way to ruine the moment. 2. A woman that is a consistent drama queen. 3. Someone with a negative attitude about everything.
1. We were having a great time until that "downt" had to show up. 2. My baby mommas mom was always being a "downt" with her constant drama. 3. I try really hard to see the glass half full, but it is a challenge trying to be positive when I've got that "downt" in my ear.
by New Borne February 25, 2018
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To be fresh, new, or lavished in fancy jewelry and clothing.
I'm headed to the club and you already know, I'm dripp'n. Fresh, clean, bling'n.
by New Borne February 25, 2018
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1. Rhyming a series of lyrics together at a high tempo while synchronizing same sounds with similar amounts of syllables. 2. To communicate verbally with someone. 3. Attacking with multiple punch lines in a rap battle.
1. Shout out to the MidWest Choppers, y'all stay chopp'n!!!Twist'n 2. Every night at work I'm "chopp'n"talking/conversing or flirting it up with a fine-ass Latina. 3. When it comes to a battle, ain't nothing but chopp'n. Punch lines
by New Borne February 25, 2018
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The act of being under direct influence of any illegal or legal stimulants, such as amphetamines, Taurine, MDMA ect.
Alotta celebrities like "skate'n"
by New Borne February 25, 2018
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Word used to describe the scarce left-handed community back in Salem witch trial times.
I am sinistrial. Left-handed
by New Borne February 25, 2018
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Someone who studies the depths of dualology in human nature.
Jordan Maxwell is a "dualologist "in my personal opinion.
by New Borne February 25, 2018
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