12 definitions by Netah

To fall victim to a harmful,widespread propaganda campaign propagated by many well-meaning individuals.
IE: The anti-immigration reform movement flouridized California voters.
by Netah March 18, 2008
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Any negative and self-sustained decay which begins with the core structure and moves outward before causing failure or death.
IE: Electing that judge to the Supreme Court would have a leukrecious effect on the judicial branch.
IE: My 8th grade teacher was a leukrecious nag.
IE: Leukrecious people have no place on this staff.
by Netah March 18, 2008
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Any person who, knowingly or unknowingly promotes socialist ideologies in a political forum.
IE: Her universal healthcare policy is horrible! It's un-American- she's a sociocrat!
by Netah March 18, 2008
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Any successful combination of speed, lithe movement and intelligence that appears sloppily executed to the naked eye.
IE: I'm not a walking accident, I'm actually pretty netah.
IE: I think the reason he breaks so many tackles is his netahness.
IE: That netah left hook got the job done,he waited for the right moment and pow!
by Netah March 18, 2008
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Verb: To obsess about the menial in a constant,excessively verbal fashion. (Much like a stupid chicken that can't stfu)
Them: Do you think it's raining outside? I mean ohmygosh what if it's overcast and the weather doesn't accent my pink lip gloss?

You: Please! Quit the cluckery already!

IE: Jane Austen Literature contains excess cluckery.
by Netah March 18, 2008
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To incite or catalyze through the making of promises.
IE: Tim has a tendency to promastigate and not follow through on his end of the deal.
IE:Politicians are notorious promastigators.
by Netah March 18, 2008
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An expression of disgust resulting from excessive gayness,ineptnitude or frills in one's environment.
Them: Those gay guys over there should probably get a room huh?
You: Yep,fladpoodle.
by Netah March 18, 2008
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