5 definitions by Neejo21

The king of comedy.His whole premise is to say things that everyone else is too afraid to say.
George Carlin:''When it comes to bullshit-big time,major league bullshit-you have to stand in awe-in AWE of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims:religion.''
by Neejo21 April 2, 2016
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The website where people go to to post stale memes and/or get offended about meager bullshit.
If you wanna lose a brain cell or two,just browse 9gag for a few minutes.
by Neejo21 April 2, 2016
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Person A:I just watched some spodermen on youtube but I couldn't stand it.
Person B:I know,it's so low brow!
by Neejo21 September 2, 2016
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a black guy in movies who has no role except to stand around and be black
person A:''Is Token from South Park a token black guy?''
person B:''Ironically,he's not.He actually has a major role in some episodes.''
by Neejo21 April 25, 2016
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