34 definitions by Nasty nate

Author of the helping friendly book.
He wrote the fucking book. Ok Man? He wrote it.
by Nasty nate March 1, 2005
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Its when you are having sex with some girl and you stick one (or many) of your fingers in the girls butt getting a little bit of poo residue on your fingers. You then put your fingers in the girls mouth resulting in her tasting her own poo. This then gives you the mental edge over the girl for the entire relationship because you know that she has already eaten her own poo.
I once gained "the edge" and now she doesn't want to talk to me.
by Nasty nate April 25, 2005
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when your titty fucking a girl backwards so that your balls slide across her face back and forth
last night my friend Anthony gave Monica lee a raw windsheild wiper
by Nasty nate March 27, 2005
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A shithole. Located right in the middle of New York State and centrally located 5 hours away from 3 major cities (just far enough to be out of reach). Most people living there are either retarded or want to get the hell out. Did I mention it sucks?
Winter's in Utica are proof that hell freezes over
by Nasty nate March 1, 2005
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The guy who bites the bullet and drives to the party. The drunk driver has the critical role of getting his buddies home, or to donuts, or to more beer. It's usually customary to by the DD a beer for his efforts.
You can't take my keys, I'm the DD.
by Nasty nate December 17, 2005
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what you call a frenchman cuz the french don't bathe
that greasy pierre stinks like he never took a bath in his life
by Nasty nate May 7, 2004
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