7 definitions by Mysteh

1. Self-Isolation

2. The "home dungeons" civilization was relegated to by the "Shelter At Home" orders set in place during the 2020 Coronapocalypse.
"I can't wait to be released from Coronaprison."

"I am so bored being stuck at home in my Coronaprison. I want to bust out and go to Walmart but if I do, I could die." 😔
by Mysteh April 7, 2020
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The idiotic name given to a new sandwich menu item on some Vietnamese restaurant menu. The owner hoped it would "boost people's morale" during the Coronavirus pandemic as well as infuse much needed income into his business. 🤦
A Coronastoner got the munchies and decided to head out for a Coronaburger. Little did he know, he could only get one in Vietnam and there was a ban on international travel, so he had to settle for a Big Mac instead.

"Hey, dude, let's go get a Coronaburger!"
"EWWW, no thanks! I'm trying to stay Corona-Free!"
by Mysteh March 26, 2020
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People who are "famous" for absolutely no legitimate reason. Reality TV "stars" and YouTube "stars" are the primary demographic for faux celebrity status because their only real claim to fame is from playing out (usually) scripted, idiotic life scenarios for the sole entertainment of the masses that eat it up like an ice cream sundae. They generally get paid big money for creating garbage viewing.
YouTubers and Reality TV people aren't "real" celebrities. They're a faux celebrity because there's no real reason for them to be famous.
by Mysteh September 20, 2022
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Also known as autoINCORRECT

Autoidiot is that "feature" on your phone or tablet that is suppose to fix typos but instead, changes perfectly correct words to utter nonsense.
Guy 1 texts: "Hey, you wanna go hang at tgh clergfpg tonayterflurg?"

Guy 2 texts back: "Dude, what? Are you high?"

Guy 1 responds: "No, man ... autoidiot took over and jacked my text. I hit send before catching it! 🙄 I wrote 'Do you want to go hang at the club tonight?'"
by Mysteh April 7, 2020
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1. The cause of one's inability to remember what day, week or month it is after a week or so straight of being on "Shelter At Home" orders . May also cause people to forget to shower or wear pants or which direction is which.

2. The thing my brain has been living in since this pandemic quarantine started.
I forgot this Sunday was Easter Sunday because my brain is living in an isolation fog.
by Mysteh April 10, 2020
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1. When you've been in quarantine so long, you're hearing or seeing things that aren't real.

2. While in isolation, you hallucinate something that in fact it has not occurred.
Man, I had a really bizarre isollucination. I swore I heard my spouse come home, talk to the dogs then take them outside. Forty-five minutes later, he came in, greeted the dogs and said, "Daddy's home". When I asked if he had come in earlier, he said no, he was just getting home. This quarantine is taking it's toll on my mind!
by Mysteh March 25, 2020
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Coronastoner also sometimes spelled Coronastonah

People in marijuana-legal areas such as Canada who panic-buy marijuana because of the impending Coronavirus outbreak and subsequent quarantine.
What am I going to do with my time stuck at home? I'm gonna smoke my hoarded weed & be a Coronastoner!

I went to the dispensary to get my pain meds but the shelves were empty because the Coronastoners bought it all. 😔
by Mysteh March 26, 2020
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