11 definitions by Muggus

Stands for Absolutely Rooted Time. Usually refering to a night that one regrets the next morning.
"How was your night mate? Oh it was a work of ART!"
by Muggus November 26, 2003
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Noun. One who is so adept at maneuvering an automobile in a sideways manner, that they could literally package it and sell it to willing customers.
"Mate, Johno is a drift merchant if there ever was one. He spent like two minutes drifting around that round-a-about at the end of Fake St. He was goin so fast, Macca took a puke in the backseat, shit Johno's pissed about it"
by Muggus December 12, 2003
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A very important and benefitial rule for drinking beverages of a beer related nature devised by the great and wise Strong Bad.
It stands for the fact that a cold one's quality degrades with a rise in temperature, thus making it less of a cold one, and no longer drinkable.

- This rule does not apply in countries where room temperature ones are enjoyed.
- Under the right circumstances, a cool one, can be quite refreshing also.
"A One That Isn't Cold Is Scarcely A One At All" - Strong Bad
by Muggus December 6, 2003
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1. exclamation. Usually yelled at a mate when you want them to repeat or rephrase what they just said, particularly if it was provocative
2. question. What one says when they finally get a female into the sack to find out that she isn't what she seems.
"1. So I how's that fat chick you got with last night mate? WHATCUNT!?"
by Muggus November 26, 2003
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1. 'strain for gone, usually shouted.
2. A description of someone who has way too many drinks.
"1. Going, goin, GAWN!"
"2. You were GAWN last night mate!"
by Muggus November 26, 2003
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Where a person has a tendancy to 'dig a hole' every time they speak, and continue to do so on a particular subject.
"Everything he said made him sound more and more convincingly gay. He had a serious case of shovel mouth!"
by Muggus November 26, 2003
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A night in which is of such a large manitude and involves large quantities of alcohol and other substances, it is not remember by the participants, and has a very regretable aftermath.

See A.R.T and C.R.A.F.T
"We had an ARTs and CRAFTs night. I woke up in a park 2 miles from where I last remember, still drunk with an empty bottle of vodka in my hand, not knowing how I got there."
by Muggus November 26, 2003
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