3 definitions by MrFeeney

When someone is peeing and places their balls on their shorts or boxers to keep them down, acting as a paperweight.
JK: When you pee do you whip out your balls too?
BS:Yeah but i place them on my shorts to keep them down.
JK:So you just paperweight it?
by MrFeeney August 9, 2008
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A ninja that shoots arrows at you from off the screen. He uses magic not chakra and apparently has the ability to do a hadouken.
NL: Hey who are you
OSN: I'm the off screen ninja, i shoot at you from off the screen.
NL: How do you do that?
OSN: With magic!
NL:I thought ninjas used chakra
OSN: Hadouken***
by MrFeeney July 24, 2009
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a girl under the age of 18, under the legal age.
G: Heeey girl wassup!
G2: Dude that girls a trap!
G: How can you tell?
G2: She has a pacifier!
by MrFeeney July 24, 2009
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