9 definitions by MrBober

Totally random person who just happened to be in the same class as you.
"It's Jo..... whatever and he's my classmate."
by MrBober April 19, 2021
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AND gat - a logic gate which gives the value one if and only if all the operands are one, and otherwise has a value of zero.
I sexually identify as an AND gate and since AND gate's output is only true when all (2 or more) inputs are true, I am only turned on when there are 2 active inputs, which means that I like threesomes.
by MrBober June 2, 2021
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Extreme or irrational fear or dislike of kitchenware.
Tom has panphobia, so he has to eat in the restaurant every day.
by MrBober May 15, 2021
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Azoolocuism - disbelief or lack of belief that animals can talk.
Person 1: I don't think donkeys can talk.
Person 2: YOu fuCkinG AzOOlocUist!!1!!1! DoNkeYS cAN tALk!!!1!21!! 1iDNt yOU wAtcH ShREk?!?!?! ItS An uNdesPUtaBLe PrOOf tHat uR wRonG!!1!!! BuT yOuR a CLoSe miNDeD aZoOLoCusiT aND yOu WoNt acCePT iT caUsE iT cOnTRadiCts YOu'Re rELiGioN!1!1! It tAkEs MoRe faiTH tO bELieVe aZooLocUiSm tHaN tO bELieVe tHaT DonKeyS cAn TaLk!!!1!1!
by MrBober July 3, 2021
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Posting images of guillotines either in reference to information about capitalism/corporate greed/corruption sometimes in combination with "eat the rich" slogan.
Tweet: "Amazon will pay $0 in federal income taxes on $11.2 billion in profit."
Replies: *guillotine posting"
by MrBober August 22, 2023
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