19 definitions by Mr. Enderman

The act of teaming up (or going solo) and raiding the nether in minecraft for valuable materials, such as Exp, Blaze Rods, Ancient Debris, etc
Hey, wanna go nether spelunking?
Nah, I need to enchant my armor first.
by Mr. Enderman February 7, 2020
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Tarots, based on tarot cards, is a 2-player guessing card game, using a standard Poker deck.

1. To start, discard any cards that aren't the King, Queen, or Jack. (Jokers are allowed, as long as they have a suit associated with them). The game begins when Player 1 takes the remaining cards, shuffles them, then removes half of the cards on top. Player 2 then takes the face card. This is their Tarot. Player 2 has to do this to so that Player 1 gets their Tarot.

2. Once both players have their Tarot, the remaining cards are placed down between the players. This is the Tarot Pile. Both players have to tell their Tarot's Figure (King/Queen/Jack/Joker), without telling the suit. Player 1 now has to guess Player 2's suit. If player 1 succeeds, both players discard their Tarots and Player 2 reshuffles the deck, then redistributes Tarots. However, if Player 1 fails to guess, Player 2 now has to guess Player 1's suit. If no one guesses correctly, Tarots are redistributed without shuffling.

If a player guesses 3 Tarots in a row correctly, they are labeled the "Fortune Teller" until the other player gets 3 correct, or they decide to quit.
This is a standard Tarots round.
Player 1: I have the Queen
Player 2:I have the Jack
Player 1:I guess your Tarot as the Jack of Diamonds.
Player2:Nope. I guess your tarot as the Queen of Spades.
Player1: Correct.
by Mr. Enderman December 17, 2019
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To ejaculate. Normally, over one's controller, keyboard, monitor, or other input device.
Holy shit, I gamered all over my controller!
by Mr. Enderman December 27, 2022
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The act of being so insulted you begin to throw hands without any warning.
When Rachel said my hair was "a nest for rats with down syndrome", it was instant hands.
by Mr. Enderman December 29, 2022
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A permit to say the N-Word without being clapped. Unlike the N-Word Pass, the N-Word License does expire, and will need to be refreshed. These can ONLY be administered by a BLACK person.
White guy: Sup, nigga.
Black guy: Hol the fuck up. What you say?
White guy: Don't worry, got the N-Word License.
Black guy: Lemme see dat...
White guy: ...Oh Shit.
by Mr. Enderman April 9, 2019
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