5 definitions by Mr. U. Dictionary

That guy who constantly follows you and copies everything that you do
Stop being a cat
by Mr. U. Dictionary November 7, 2019
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It is the last part in the trilogy of Brexit
1:"Here comes Brexit #3."
2:"Has that not finished yet."
by Mr. U. Dictionary November 6, 2019
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A term used to greet someone (a friend)(informal)
'Ello poppet
by Mr. U. Dictionary November 6, 2019
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Someone who spent the first 20 years of adulthood in their mum's basement playing Fortnite
by Mr. U. Dictionary November 6, 2019
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1:"Yay, it's election day."
2:"Who are you voting for? Trump or Clinton?"
1:"Hasn't Clinton already been president."
2:"No, I'm pretty sure that was Bill."
1:"Well it seemed to me like she was president back then"
by Mr. U. Dictionary November 6, 2019
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