24 definitions by Mr x

My partner has given me endosex and the intimate bedroom games have been canned .

The meaning of Endosex " Being married for 10 years " or more can be attributed to the caller on the 2gb Ben Fordham show, on Monday 7th September, 2020
by Mr x September 6, 2020
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old school indian gujarati word (insult) that all the kids during the 80's/early 90's used. can't believe noone uses this no more. sad. so very very sad.
ur a feking bajoo maannnnn.
by Mr x December 26, 2005
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Derived from the Ben Warren dialects, 'sawoit' translates to our english term 'sweet' (see sweet).
Also see Poinaches
"class dismissed"
by Mr x December 20, 2004
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crappy ased place where when you order a ten pack of mcnuggers, you get a freakin 6 pack. i should sue them fer this!
ba da ba ba-bah! im gonna freakin blow off ronarld mcdonalrds evil clown face off! yeah. once the mcdonarlds had a charity thing, you buy the ronarld doll in this card board box thing. well, i put his plastic polystyrene pelleted head in the door crack and slammed it shut. i put his head in the vice and drilled out his ears. then, when it was halloween, i stuck him on a fire cracker(from his butt of course) and lit him on fire. oh the joy! im lovin' it.
by Mr x June 10, 2004
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member of the indian language 'gujarati'

def; pervert, someone who has a dirty mind or could also refer to someone who cant be trusted.
by Mr x December 23, 2004
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A keyboard originally created to slow down typists in the old days of typewriters becuase they broke the typewriters by typing too fast. Now there isn's a problem of breaking a keyboard but it is still used and is the same design that was used to slow down those typists decades ago. Why it is still in use is a mystery.
Those typists are breaking all the typewriters by typing too fast, what should we do?
Invent a qwerty key layout to slow them down
by Mr x February 11, 2004
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Inferior lifeforms who probabbly dont know jack about FE or hate the game. check final fanasty fanboy for easier reference.On a side note FESBIANs are a stupid bunch, they go to the FEGB to trash the place and when we make a topic that is somewhat related to FE the moderators delete or move our topics to the FESB where they freely trash our topic. Yet when one of the imfamous FESBians Lu Anal makes a perverted also related to FE at our board, he gets off scot free. Also Juigi Karlo is a great man. He told us about more FEs(such as seisen no keifu and Thracia 776 which are the pinnacle of FE). Overall FESBIANS sucks.
Smapdi:Liek OMG Marcus is teh se><y
other Fesbians:Renualt rocks
FEGB user:Marcus and renualt are not great nor sexy they are losers
Smapdi:"unleashes trinity and mods at FEGB user"
by Mr x August 10, 2004
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