6 definitions by Mr M


Originally derived from the word Mastodon, this term describes an enormous penis.
Bob: Fuck man it was a total slayfest last night
Me: Shit Bobs got that Mastodong!
by Mr M December 18, 2013
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sri lanka

the best country in the world until the white man came and ruined it all for the natives.kiill ever1 except sri lankans pls indians
there is fucking civil war because of that shit does anyone realise that.
by Mr M December 10, 2004
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Michael, oh Michael! If ever there was a creation grand enough to make God himself look down upon in envy it is Michael. What can be said about Michael that hasn’t already been said about Gandhi, Hitler and John Holmes! The man is a fucking legend in all rights! Hide your daughters hide your mothers and plug your assholes because when there is a Michael afoot you can bet your sweet ass something’s getting filled with prime brine and sweet servings.
Is that Michael? Jesus Christ I think I just sprung a leak in my pantaloons.
by Mr M April 2, 2020
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Cahos is something man hope never to see in his life time but its too late now that bush is in power again, he'll seee it every day.
by Mr M January 14, 2005
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A person born/living in the Co. Cavan, the best fucken county in Ireland
Full of beautiful, sound, warm hearted and generous people and considered to be the best dame beer drinkers out of all Ireland! Cavan people are envied by all surrounding counties; also Cavan males have huge manhood’s which is envied by surrounding counties (like those wankers in Roscommon who have tiny peepers!)
Hello Im from 'cavan', ...so fuck off you scumbag of an inferior county!
by Mr M March 21, 2005
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the frist class ticket out of reality.
your only freedom after marrige
by Mr M December 10, 2004
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