2 definitions by Moronlicious

The most overused word on earth, which has been used for years by real gaming veterans but which now is used by a variety of douche bags who can't possibly comprehend that it doesn't matter that they can win at video games. The real sad part is that people still take offense to being called a n00b.
Player 1: "Ha, pwned you n00b."
Player 2: "Oh my gosh!! I cannot possibly stand the fact that you're better at video games than me! I'm not a n00b! You're the n00b, so ha!"
by Moronlicious June 15, 2009
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Adjective. Alike, or pertaining to bullcrap or bullshit. Used in this form to add variety to ways of accusing people of lying.
Synonym: Bullshittuous
"My dog ate my homework"
"That's bullcraptuous"

"Dude, my boss gave me the bullcraptuous job of wiping down the light switches before I could go home"

"Check this out! It's brown and smelly!"
"It is pretty bullcraptuous..."
"And it tastes like shit too!"
by Moronlicious February 3, 2010
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