106 definitions by MoonKnight

Similar to "sweet" except it's spelled out the way I say it.
by MoonKnight December 5, 2002
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Maker of the Impreza, one of the greatest rally cars of all time. Also called Scooby and ScoobyDoo. Go, 555 Subaru World Rally Team!
Screw the silver bullets, it's all about the scooby! Go, Petter Solberg!
by MoonKnight November 25, 2002
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Coined by Adam Carolla of Loveline. Combination of "spaz" and "loser". Spaz as in the geek who owns his own comic book store and Loser as in someone who waits outside a studio for an hour and a half for Tia Carrere to sign a copy of Playboy so he can sell it on eBay for $26.
That guy is such a sploser.
by MoonKnight December 5, 2002
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"Speaking" online only using speech like "I have 1 4 U!" and "U R my friend!!!!!!!!!111111111111"
by MoonKnight December 17, 2002
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1> Dude, did you see that?
2> Yeah! That was pro!
by MoonKnight February 1, 2003
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