3 definitions by Moon's unnecessary definitions

This word is a mix between terrible and terrifying . it can describe a thing or experience that was distressingly bad or serious , OR it can be used to describe any events or experiences that caused you extreme fear .
Person 1 : " have you finished painting your nails ? "
Person 2 : " I have , but I don't even want to show you them because they look so terrifle . "
Person 1 : " oh come on , it can't be that bad ! "
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Pronounced : əˈdikt

This is just a fancier way to say the word addict ( ˈadikt ) you can use them both interchangeably.
" My friend Mary is a former cocaine addict "
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Sacramentopiece can be used interchangeably with masterpiece. It is preferably used to refer to truly unique and remarkable nouns.
"Your paintings are such art. Everything you make is truly a sacramentopiece !"
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