5 definitions by Miss Toni Montana

Used, typically -unwanted, items or collections of items. Junk. Unnecessary things of clutter. Re-usable, not necessarily trash, Americanised shoppers over abundance.
She cannot get through her house because of the reeins she keeps dragging home. I think she is a hoarder.
by Miss Toni Montana June 30, 2016
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Poop that has attached itself to your boots and then fell off in the house somewhere. Sometimes a mystery where it came from.
There’s poop on the living room floor. I’ll bet it’s boot-poop.
by Miss Toni Montana August 10, 2019
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Poop that has been hanging out in your (or someone elses) pants.
It smelled like pants-poop in there because Jimmy had soiled his jeans yesterday and left them on the floor. They were full of pants-poop.
by Miss Toni Montana March 8, 2008
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A total junker on the road that someone is proud of. A heap of running metal.
Come on and take a ride in my “buckle craft”. It’s good on gas and push starts on the first try.
by Miss Toni Montana January 24, 2018
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The pre made text messages that come with your cell phone.
Instead of thinking of a text for himself, my boyfriend sends me the generassage, "You are the best" . Therefore he is a generassager.
by Miss Toni Montana March 8, 2008
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