4 definitions by Mindbladeskillyaks

A high school class devised to test the strength, willpower and fortitude of a man. This is achieved by students individually completing several tasks that, once completed, prove the student in question to be incredibly courageous, awesome, and in all likelihood, criminally insane.
Events include:
Bear-Hugging a Bear
Running upstream in a waist-high river in full medieval body armor
Catching a bullet in your teeth
Climbing up a rock face with no gear except the two handed broadsword which is permitted for fighting carnivorous mountain goats
Killing yaks with nothing but your mind
Killing yaks with your shadow
Kayaking across the Pacific ocean
Convincing a female yeti to have dinner with you in Paris (and later convincing the TSA to let an abominable snowman on a plane)

Other events exist, but not publicly.

Warning!: Failure to complete some tasks perfectly may in severe injury or death.
Samuel: So what elective are you taking this year, bro?

Kumar: Manly Endeavors. All the way.

Samuel: You are fuckin' insane! More people die in that class than in the French Army!

Kumar: That's the French Army's fault not ours...
by Mindbladeskillyaks May 30, 2010
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Das's Law of Elementary Aerodynamics:
When you're trying to impress someone, use big words that neither of you know....like elementary aerodynamics.
Hey dude if your trying to impress that chick, use the Das's Law of Elementary Aerodynamics. Works every time.
by Mindbladeskillyaks June 15, 2010
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The glass is twice as big as it needs to be. Get there.
Das's Law of Optimism/Pessimism is derived from something said by George Carlin. It explains that sometimes you expect too much of yourself and it gets you down in life.
by Mindbladeskillyaks June 15, 2010
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If you fall down the hill of ignorance, you will die on the rocks at the bottom.
Das's Law of Ignorance predicts how many politicians will die.
by Mindbladeskillyaks June 15, 2010
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