4 definitions by Midly entertaining

used by the president of the United States Of America Funny Valentine, it is the one of the most op stands in the entire series.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap
1: best villain is Valentine
2: fuck no its Kira not that fuckin inter dimensional communist
1: you say that because you also wanna fuck hands
by Midly entertaining August 24, 2020
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A streaming service is a type of service that used only be Netflix but is now multiplying faster than cancer and each service only has 3 good shows so you might as well pirate
John: Disney is making their own streaming service, it has the franchise's they have
Jake: all these companies can fuck off, I'm not paying for 20 subscriptions only to watch 2 shows on each
by Midly entertaining March 2, 2020
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Person 1: I just can't wait for Mortal Combat 11

Person 2: it's Mortal Kombat dumbass
by Midly entertaining February 7, 2019
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