4 definitions by Middle Finger on each had up.

A gorgeous woman that latches on to you and believes you are her property. She will have a past, but you will never know which version of it is the truth. After your trapped you'll realize how the crazy has always been lurking under the surface. In order to possess you as "hers only" she will manipulate, lie, cheat and drive wedges between all the people whom you used to be close too and care about you. After she has trapped you she'll let her self go completely, her inside melding with the outside until she looks like a walking Chernobyl survivor. If you ever meet a Sandra, run.
See that cute guy walking with that zombie, must be a Sandra.

Sandra got her hooks in him, look how depressed he is.. so sad.
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Fishsticks, food that looks like tiny penises, and are therefore Kanye's favorite food.
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A guy who rather than has one, acts like a really big dick!

Someone who mistreats or bullies in order to feel good/strong or validated.

That guy is such an ass, a total Brandon!
That guy was totally talking shit to that little kid, then after school goes up to the kids mom talking about how he just wants to be his friend.
One that can't control their temper and diffuses their feelings by being me to everyone,.
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The most awesome amazing monster ever who's roars are so supersonic it will rip your skin off. A creature who's tail whips will send you careening across Japan airplane style. A monster who's atomic breath will disintegrate your ass before you can even shit your pants.. your atomized body will smell good, however. He can swim, creating tsunami waves that will destroy your shit. He stomps creating earthquakes that will destroy your shit. In closing.. Godzilla is the baddest mother to ever walk the Earth and no matter if it's through water, earthquakes, or face to face, HE WILL DESTROY YOUR SHIT!! RESPECT!!
Oh no there goes Tokyo, go, go Godzilla!!
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