35 definitions by Mickey Darling

the process of McDonald's fast food going through your system faster than you going through the drive thru and cleaning out everything in its path.
i haven't had a bowel movement in 4 days.

i need some exlax..

dude you need a McCleaning!!
by Mickey Darling August 5, 2009
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an expression used by geeks and nerds when inquiring on each others telepathetic powers.
Micah : do you mind?

Prox : yes, i have the most amazing telepathetic powers evar!
by Mickey Darling August 5, 2009
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when an overpaid lawyer deliberately manipulates paperwork so that a client is dismissed of his/her charges and walks away from a situation that they were guilty of.
Can you believe all the pencil jockeying that goes on in the american judicial system today?
by Mickey Darling August 5, 2009
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girls that cry and whine for attention with their overly dramatic stories of how daddy won't buy them a new car and how much they hate life when they don't get their way are Drunk on Restasis.
that girl cried so many tears it was like she was drunk on restasis.
by Mickey Darling August 3, 2009
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an expression used to describe the state someone is in mentally before they die or how intoxicated they are.
damn look at grandma, she must be straddling the fence between life and death right now.

yeah she's really old.

we got so messed up last night John was straddling the fence between consciousness and unconsciousness.
by Mickey Darling August 4, 2009
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a sexual maneuver in which one accidently corn holes his bro in the dark while making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crust cut off on your girlfriend.
Bro, what are you doing, that's my ass, not hers, and now that you know, why are you still Rocky Roading me??!!!
by Mickey Darling August 3, 2009
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an expression used to define a dumb or retarded action.
that boy is so stupid he must have stepped in a puddle of dumbass before he came to work.
by Mickey Darling August 4, 2009
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